5 places available NOW at Brebis for Wednesday


This is all of the food that you probably wont be eating on Wednesday if you have a ticket for the fantastic Brebis Fundraising dinner for West Berkshire Mencap. However it will be just as good if not better. For only £50 per head you will get loads of delicious courses, with wine, AND feel great for helping such a lovely charity. Seriously how much better can that be! We have five places left and it is first come first served so I need to know asap!


Here are a few examples of the sort of food the Brebis boys produce for our pleasure, unbeatable, delicious, adventurous yet sensitively created.



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SEVEN types of chocolate


We love people who support West Berkshire Mencap. You may not have a person with a learning disability in your family or group of friends but it is a possibility in the future. WBMencap exists to help support these people and their families and we have to look for ways of raising funds to help us provide the best support we possibly can. To my mind eating is a great way of raising money and i feel strongly that the food should be as delicious as possible so that everyone enjoys supporting us. If you can make this dinner then there are still 5 places left. If you would like to join a group of volunteers who look at different ways of fundraising please contact me on leila.ferguson@wbmencap.org. We are open to as many ideas as possible and you can give as much or as little time as you wish. We will appreciate anything that you can do for us and it is a great way of meeting people and having fun.

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