Where do you go to eat, what influences your choice? Is it always price or is it quality or indeed a combination of the two? I was in The Newbury the other day at lunchtime and it was quiet, my understanding is that the chains are offering much cheaper options. I totally get it that […]
Tag: Vicars
Love Vicars Game, so very meaty
I had to do another stock as as fast as I do them my middle son Joe takes them and they are liquid, jelly, gold. Where to go? Oh yes, the best bone man I know Alan at Vicars Game. I asked for some veal bones, chicken carcasses, and some pork bones. Oh yes! […]
Update! Oh My The Mothership of stocks!! Veal – thank you @vicars
OK here is the stock pot that I can’t actually pick up, I won’t say it is the reason that I got married but it sure is the reason I won’t get divorced! IT IS VEAL STOCK!!!! Oh thank you Vicars Game (and if you haven’t been here then why the hell not?) This is […]