I hate to say this as I am in no way Mrs Christmas, I have staff (you know who you are Sandra) who count down the days from December 26th onwards but I personally think Christmas starts on the day West Berkshire Mencap has its Christmas Carol Concert, this year in conjunction with the Mayor […]
Tag: local
Use them or lose them – local cuisine

Where do you go to eat, what influences your choice? Is it always price or is it quality or indeed a combination of the two? I was in The Newbury the other day at lunchtime and it was quiet, my understanding is that the chains are offering much cheaper options. I totally get it that […]
Radio Interviewees needed urgently, can good food providers apply?
Over the time I have been doing my radio interviews and the blog I have made it clear that if the food is not so good I don’t want to share information about it. What’s the point? It can be much more entertaining to read about rubbish food and is certainly great fun to write […]
The Golden Triangle of Chapel Row
Oh I am such a lucky bunny. I live in the best place, so near to town yet close to country. Near civilisation but not close enough to impact on the residents of our house in any way. Really close to The Golden Triangle. I have written about the delightful Chapel Row before but, as […]
Artisan Market – Chapel Row – get there early!
Who likes good food? Well I do as you know. This blog is about good food and places that you can get it. We are so blessed in West Berkshire, we have so many good pubs, restaurants and farmers markets. This post is about a new market that I went to recently. It is held […]
Carte-du-vin – wine enjoyment made friendly
I am so lucky to be able to do interviews for KennetRadio and leilaslocallarder.com. Apart from the terrifying journey of getting to see Carte-Du-Vin in Micheldever I had a wonderful time with lovely people telling me about wine in a friendly and encouraging way. I also got a great interview for Kennet Radio whilst learning […]
Donnington Valley Wine Press Restaurant
I dont know how many of you have gone to the Winepress Restaurant at the Donnington Valley. I visited it before my surprise trip to Morocco and was amazed at how good the quality of the food was and what amazing value. £22 for two courses or £28 for three courses. Seriously when you see […]