Does anyone know where I can get a pigs bladder from? I want to make Coffre de Volaille de Bresse en Vessie and a roasting bag just wont do the job. All advice welcomed, should I ever find one then photos will follow.
I have been a bit quiet on the blogging front because my car broke down leaving me on the M4 for an awfully long time and meaning I missed my review and interview of John Campbell at The Woodspeen. However it looks like I will be re-wheeled this week so hopefully can reschedule the interview (and the eating mwahahaha).   I have two birthday meals to cash in, one at The Brebis and one at The Vineyard whoop whoop so will be blogging those as well. Am desperate to get to The Brebis while they still have the stuffed pigs trotters on the menu.
I am doing a stock master class at the end of the month and will blog that following my wonderful discovery of the Chinese supermarket that sells bones and beef tendons, scrummy for stock!