Definitely the best meeting venue I have ever been to – Vineyard Stockcross

Today was a beautiful sunny day and I sat in the stunning grounds of the Vineyard Hotel in Stockcross with two lovely ladies. We were there to discuss holding a joint gala event to be held in Autumn 2014 to raise funds for two fantastic organisations, The Pelican Cancer Trust and West Berkshire Mencap. This is going to be such a brilliant annual event that we are hardly going to need to advertise it. I have already had requests for booking which is amazing. Details need ironing out but we can only sell 140 places. The last five events we put on sold out and this will go the fastest. It is also so lovely to work together with another charity which is led by a vibrant and charismatic CEO and also have help from The Vineyard who are incredibly positive.

Vineyeard lunch

Velouté of watercress, brown and white Devon cock crab, such a rich green and presented so beautifully as a big pile of crab meat on the dish then the veloute is poured around the side of the crab to form this delicious meal.

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Hand dived Orkney scallops, broad beans, Iberico ham

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Ribbons of delicious smoked salmon served with the thinnest discs of fresh radish and salad, delectable

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Petit four, my next most favourite food group after champagne and canapés. The lightest of choux buns with a vanilla cream, a stunningly rich fruit sugar covered jelly and a coffee nougat. These were all carefully eaten as of course, we don’t like waste!


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