Radio interviews coming up – Brebis and Minimalism

How exciting. Finally managed to send off the Brebis Interview so I am looking forward to hearing that on Kennet Radio. It was a delight to record because Sam the chef, James front of house and even Harry, sous chef, are all so passionate about what they do. In fact we may have to slow the whole interview down as we were all talking so fast and wildly there is a risk that no one will understand the individual words. James shoots out names of chefs (usually French), concepts, ideas, ethos almost too fast for your brain to keep up.




Sam the Chef of Passion, Harry the sous chef of loveliness and James, front of house and sorter of all.

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An example of Sam’s passion, his tattoos. Or maybe he needs reminding which bits of the animal are which.


This is NOT the Brebis review, that is to come as it needs to travel around the country to visit somewhere else first although you can listen on Kennet Radio if your brain is fast enough. It is a wonderful interview because of their love and passion for really good quality food. Yes they care about sourcing, locality, seasonal but at the end of day it has to taste the best it can taste. I love this.


Minimalism. Anyone who follows my personal facebook page rather than my Leilas Local Larder facebook page will have noticed that it is becoming saturated with articles about decluttering and refocusing, I have been invited to talk on Kennet Radio about this subject and it will be broadcast on Easter Day. The only thing I am not minimalist about is talking about it or reading about it. A good lesson would be to actually do more of the decluttering rather than just reading what to do. There is an answer. Also on the programme will be a lovely lady called Jo Cooke from Tapioca Tidy who helps us novice minimalisers get started. She is an amazing lady who has helped me start the process. This does have a link with food in that my principle now is that life is about family and friends, experiences not possessions. For my birthday I asked for vouchers for meals rather than things. I have two left, one for Brebis and one for The Vineyard. I am also selling some of my enormous collection of shoes which will enable more meals. See, ideal link.


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