Due to an unfortunate incident involving a slopey path and a pair of ridiculous shoes I now have my arm in a plaster cast. This slows down the typing tremendously so the next two reviews, the Gallimaufry in Bristol and Roux in Parliament Square will be a bit slow to post. The interviews have gone to Kennet Radio already so it is just the reviews to come. Below are four photos of what the reviews are about
My mum with my squirrel phobic sister, Beth. She is holding my mum tight in case there is a squirrel in Roux at Parliament Square. Brave brave girl. Mum is holding her MBE which she was presented by the Queen that morning. An amazing woman. Murray is holding the two mad ladies together.
An example of my more sensible shoes
A few of Gallimaufrys small plates
One of the amazing dishes we had at Roux, this is a tempting teaser
Finally Beth and I are taking a daughter each away for a tiny break so may blog a bit of that although it may be a bit limited with one arm, indeed I am in fear that my last few limbs survive.